Draga fiule,

Draga fiule,

Iti scriu aceste randuri ca sa stii ca iti scriu. Daca primesti aceasta scrisoare inseamna ca a ajuns cu bine. Daca nu o primesti, atunci sa ma anunti pentru a ti-o mai timite o data.
Iti scriu incet pentru ca stiu ca tu nu citesti prea repede. Acum cateva zile tatal tau a citit ca majoritatea accidentelor se petrec la o distanta de un kilometru de casa. De aceea ne-am hotarat sa ne mutam mai departe.
Noua casa este minunata; are si masina de spalat, dar nu stiu sigur daca merge. Ieri, am bagat lenjeria in ea, am tras de maneta, si de-atunci n-am mai vazut-o.
Vremea pe aici nu e foarte rea. Saptamana trecuta n-a plouat decat de
doua ori. Prima data, ploaia a tinut 3 zile, a doua oara 4 zile.

A propos de vesta pe care o voiai, unchiul Petre mi-a spus ca daca o trimitem cu nasturi, cum sunt ei grei, o sa coste mai mult; atunci am taiat nasturii si i-am pus in buzunar.

In sfarsit, l-am ingropat pe bunicu ; l-am gasit cand ne-am mutat. Era in
dulap din ziua in care a castigat la De-a v-ati ascunselea. Sa-ti mai zic ca alaltaieri, a explodat bucataria si tatal tau si cu mine am 'zburat' din casa. Ce emotie! a fost pentru prima data dupa multi ani cand tatal tau si cu mine iesim impreuna undeva. A venit doctorul sa vada daca suntem in regula, si mi-a pus un tub din sticla in gura. Mi-a zis sa nu vorbesc 10 minute. Tatal tau s-a oferit sa cumpere tubul acela.
Si daca tot vorbim de taica tau, te anunt ca si-a gasit de lucru, e foarte
mandru de asta. Lucreaza peste aproape 500 de oameni. L-au angajat
sa tunda iarba in cimitir.

Sora ta Alina, cea care s-a casatorit cu sotul ei, a nascut in sfarsit, dar nu stim inca sexul copilului. N-as putea inca sa-ti spun daca esti unchi sau matusa. Taica tau a
intrebat-o pe sora-ta daca mai este insarcinata. Georgiana i-a zis ca da, in 5 cinci luni de-acum; atunci taica tau a intrebat-o daca era sigura ca era al ei.
Ea i-a spus sigura ca da. Ce fata sigura, cata mandrie! Asa fata, asa tata!

Varul tau Paul s-a casatorit si se roaga in fiecare zi in fata sotiei lui.
E fecioara! Nu l-am mai vazut pe unchiul George, ala care a murit
anul trecut...

Cel mai rau e fratetu ala mic, Marius. A incuiat masina si a lasat cheile
inauntru. A trebuit sa se duca pana acasa sa aduca dublura ca sa ne scoata pe toti
de acolo. Bine, fiule. Nu pot sa-ti trec adresa pe plic pentru ca n-o stiu.
De fapt, ultima familie care a locuit aici, a plecat cu numerele pentru
a le pune la noua adresa. Daca o vezi pe Margareta, transmitei
salutarile noastre. Daca n-o vezi nu-i spune nimic.

Mama ta care te adora,

P.S. Aveam de gand sa-ti pun si niste bani,
dar deja am inchis plicul

Computer's maker.Word's maker.

La inceput a fost calculatorul. Si Dumnezeu a spus:

C:\>Let there be light!
Enter user id.
Enter password.
Password incorrect. Try again.
Password incorrect. Try again.
And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Sunday, March 1.
C:\>Let there be light!
Unrecognizable command. Try again.
C:\>Create light
C:\>Run heaven_and_earth
And God created Day and Night. And God saw there were 0 > errors.
And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Sunday, March 1.
And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Sunday, March 2.
C:\> Let there be firmament in the midst of water and light.
Unrecognizable command. Try again.
C:\>Create firmament
C:\>Run firmament
And God divided the waters. And God saw there were 0 > errors.
And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Sunday, March 2.
And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Sunday, March 3.
C:\> Let the waters under heaven be gathered together unto one
place and let the dry land appear and
Too many characters in the specification string. Try again.
C:\>Create dry_land
C:\>Run firmament
And God divided the waters. And God saw there were 0 > errors.
And God looged off at 12:02:00 AM, Sunday, March 3.
And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Sunday, March 4.
C:\>Create lights in the firmament to divide the day from the night
Unspecified type. Try again.
C:\>Create sun_moon_stars
C:\>Run sun_moon_stars
And God separated the light from the darkness. The sun ruled over
the day
and the moon and stars ruled over the night. And God saw there were 0 errors.

Kurt Cobain's suicide note!

To Boddah:

"Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complain-ee. This note should be pretty easy to understand.

All the warnings from the punk rock 101 courses over the years, since my first introduction to the, shall we say, ethics involved with independence and the embracement of your community had proven to be very true. I haven't felt the excitement of listening to as well as creating music along with reading and writing for too many years now. I feel guilty beyond words about these things.

For example, when we're backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowds begin, it doesn't affect me the way in which it did for Freddie Mercury, who seemed to love, relish in the love and adoration from the crowd which is something I totally admire and envy. The fact is, I can't fool you, any one of you. It simply isn't fair to you or me. The worst crime I can think of would be to rip people off by faking it and pretending as if I'm having 100% fun.

Sometimes I feel as if I should have a punch-in time clock before I walk out on stage. I've tried everything within my power to appreciate it (and I do, God, believe me I do, but it's not enough). I appreciate the fact that I and we have affected and entertained a lot of people. It must be one of those narcissists who only appreciate things when they're gone. I'm too sensitive. I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasms I once had as a child.

On our last 3 tours, I've had a much better appreciation for all the people I've known personally, and as fans of our music, but I still can't get over the frustration, the guilt and empathy I have for everyone. There's good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes me feel too fucking sad. The sad little, sensitive, unappreciative, Pisces, Jesus man. Why don't you just enjoy it? I don't know!

I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what I used to be, full of love and joy, kissing every person she meets because everyone is good and will do her no harm. And that terrifies me to the point to where I can barely function. I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become.

I have it good, very good, and I'm grateful, but since the age of seven, I've become hateful towards all humans in general. Only because it seems so easy for people to get along that have empathy. Only because I love and feel sorry for people too much, I guess.

Thank you all from the pit of my burning, nauseous stomach for your letters and concern during the past years. I'm too much of an erratic, moody baby! I don't have the passion anymore, and so remember, it's better to burn out than to fade away.

Peace, love, empathy,

Kurt Cobain

Frances and Courtney, I'll be at your altar.
Please keep going Courtney, for Frances.
For her life, which will be so much happier without me.

I love you, I love you!"